Use your energy wisely…

This is still my LIFE, I might be in “Lockdown” along with every other fellow Victorian, but this is still my LIFE. And lockdown doesn’t translate to dormant or imprisoned. I choose to use my language that supports my situations, my circumstances, my environment. This is a challenging time, there is no doubting that, and this is when a persons character is tested the most. I understand that we are individuals that could not exist without the whole and vice versa. We are, whether we like it or not in this together. Can we ride this storm with integrity, with humility, with a little wisdom that keeps us united not divided, can we? What I find fascinating is that we are all LIVING this time so differently from one another, all dependent on our beliefs, our values, our priorities, our environment and consequently our perspectives. Its doesn’t make it right or wrong, so what I share is my perspective, what helps me LIVE through this time, that is still a chapter in my life and yours.

I don’t need to hit pause, I just need to find new ways to do life this way, in a way that supports my own experience, my own interactions that supports my own growth. My Growth in a positive way for those I serve, those I interact with, those I love, my friends, my family, my community. How?

I start with a morning routine essential in starting my day right. At what point have you asked yourself, this is a viral pandemic, a threat to my HEALTH both physically and mentally, at what point have you asked yourself what are the best choices I can make and actions I can take to honor my health. Life is fragile my friends, we so often take our health for granted until its too late. What are your priorities? Where are you directing your attention, is this serving you and your health and your ability to ride out this storm.

So, I start my day from 5.30am, doing all my things (that will come in another blog).

Teach Yoga and Pilates from 7.15am, we move, but we also connect, we share an hour of positive movement practice and set or provoke positive intentions for your day and for your growth. For some its a time to move, to heal, to grow or all of the above or to just keep structure and a routine. We focus our attention on what’s important. Because where your attention goes your energy flows. I ask you here, if you’re exhausted, where are you directing your attention? When you direct your attention towards thoughts of blame and judgement, frustration and worry, it weighs on you. Like a clenched fist, it gets tiring. Become aware of your energy levels and ask yourself what am I holding onto that’s not supporting my growth, my ability to ride out this storm, what thoughts, feelings, habits are weighing me down.

Then, quite literally clench your fists, feel the effort it takes to hold on, then open your palms, and like quicksand pouring from your hands turn your palms to face one another and let it pour from you. Let the blame, judgment, the frustration and the worry pour from you, gently you release, you let go. BREATHE.

Replace these thoughts with your next best feeling thought that you can muster in that moment, a feeling thought that believes in you, that forgives you, that encourages you, that supports you, that connects you to you and you to the world. That makes you feel a little lighter.

“Letting go of blame in no way whitewashes unfair circumstances (which are both very real locally and globally) or excuses difficult people, or invalidates lifes many hardships. But, this is not about them, this is about you. You do this for yourself in order to reclaim the freedom and power that are yours. Indulging in blame costs us the authority to be in charge. We miss the profound potential which can be unleashed once we take total responsibility for our life experience, and preside proactively over the purposeful direction of our lives.” Preston Ni.

I choose to listen, engage, read information and sign up for courses, watch INSTA live’s and you tube material that supports my growth. That ultimately helps me and my ability to ride this storm with as much integrity, humility, courage and love as I can, so I can help people along the way and know I will be there at the other end ready, healthy, uplifted and empowered because of the choices that I made throughout this chapter of my life. I remind you, this is MY PERSPECTIVE, I write this knowing I am not perfect, but I am learning, I am sharing and I have a tonne load of gritty hope that we will come out of this storm with more compassion and more strength, with so much more gratitude united and whole.

As Wayne Dyer says, “…the only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness and frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming them, but you won’t succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy.”

I choose to release all blame and judgement, I am embracing forgiveness and love. I want to be happy, we all want to be happy. What can I edit from my day that impedes good feeling thoughts. What can I do to make a change in a more positive direction that unites us, not divides us.

What do you choose? Are you using your energy wisely?

You’ve heard me read this before and I write it again here. No one is coming to rescue, fix or saves us. If we want to experience life differently, we must take responsibility for ourselves and learn to show up in new ways. Personal responsibility is the path to freedom.

Hand on your heart, what do I need right now that will support me and help me experience life differently right now, that supports unity not division.

A sign of wisdom and maturity is when you come to terms with the realization that your decisions cause your rewards and consequences. You are responsible for your life, and your ultimate success depends on the choices you make.– Denis Waitley, author and coach

For YOU and your energy, consider what you’re holding on to emotionally that you might like to just pop down, conserve your energy for what’s important to you right now, as we ride this storm together. Like all storms, they will pass, look after yourself and help those in need when you can, we are, whether you like it or not, in this together.

With Love, gritty hope and encouragement,

Juzzy x

Justine Boscaglia