The JOY of Uncertainty

So, here we are living in and through a historical time of uncertainty, TOGETHER!

I have struggled to describe how COVID has felt in words, but that old health insurance commercial comes to mind where the young boy said, “Crocodile came up, bit my guts out and bit me into parts ... pieces and then my legs went that way and then my head went that way”? Do you remember the one, of course you do, if not google it. The premise of the commercial is LIFE IS UNPREDICTABLE, well ain’t that the truth.

LIFE is full of uncertainty, life is unpredictable. FULL STOP.

Is it not our purpose to navigate through life and all its uncertainties to discover and return to our true selves? The HOW we go about this is what becomes the challenge. Personally, I think we either take the path of FEAR or LOVE.

I have witnessed myself over and over again, getting caught up in the thoughts and conversations of my mind that are driven by FEAR. It is in this moment of awareness I feel like its all too much and I become overwhelmed with the headlines, the statistics, the arguments, the politics, the opinions. the messaging online. I feel angry, sad, flat, helpless and anxious. I, in that very moment of awareness, whisper the words, “Juzzy choose love, choose love, choose love”.

To me LOVE is joy, happiness, openess, grace, harmony, union. It is to remember, to trust, to be, to connect with my own inner resources, the intelligence of my own body, the wisdom within my own cells, the essence of who I am.

It is LOVE, it is JOY that heals the separation of our mind and our heart.

Uncertainty has this ability, much like the path of FEAR to fracture that connection of mind, heart and soul, like the crocodile and the boy we might feel torn into a thousand pieces.

It is in the midst of great difficulty, adversity or challenge we have a choice, an opportunity some might say to discover more of ourself depending on which path we take that where Love is directing us or Fear. If we react to life, we find we resist, we wrestle, we fight with what is, and it can be really uncomfortable and cause great suffering. However, if we respond to life, we discover a pause, a patience, a compassion, a tenderness, a softness that brings acceptance and comfort to our being. It is this path that I nurture and fuel to take me on this JOURNEY through uncertain times. It’s not to say that I don’t veer off this path from time to time, but it is my practice in observing myself and my thoughts that help direct me, steer me back to the path of response not reaction.

And it is this path I find a strength, a force, a light that can keep shining and showing me the way, forward, rather than the one that takes me no where but separated from my own heart and disconnected from own soul.

The JOY of Uncertainty is watching the clouds move through the sky, hearing the birds sing their morning song, hear the whispers of the wind as it calls through my trees at night, taking time to BE, to do the inner work and resolve to begin again every day, to embrace the precious impermanence of LIFE. To trust, to have faith, to listen to the wisdom of my own intuitive voice. Resulting in this first BLOG.

When my choices are driven by FEAR itself, I start with recognition, I recognize I might be frightened or feel threatened in some way, I don’t feel safe or secure. If I were to see a small child who was frightened, would I resist, fight or wrestle with them? I meet my fear with compassion, tenderness, a softness, a love, I lean in to it, give it a gentle hug.

And then, the voice that speaks clearly and softly whispers, “Juzzy choose love, choose love, choose love”.

I can not tell you how powerful this is for me.

I endeavour to share with you here how I navigate myself on this “JOURNEY” that is life. I hope it might help you find JOY even through those moments of adversity and uncertainty but also an appreciation and greater understanding as I share snippets of how we ‘humans’ function in body, mind and soul.

Love the Life you Live, Live the Life you Love,

With love Juzzy xx

Justine Boscaglia